Saturday, February 12, 2011

Finally up and running...

Believe it or not, the blog name that got the most pea votes, "Bird Is The Word" was already taken, so I chose the second place L, M, N, O, Pea.  For those of you who don't know, on the epic Birdgate thread that was pulled, buried, or whatever term is appropriate, I suggested we do a Word-A-Day for the NSBR.  It was meant as a joke, but the peas seemed to like the idea.  However, the majority preferred a blog to an actual paper calendar, so here it will be! 

In addition to our beloved "peaisms," there will be lots to make you laugh.  I'll be posting funny pictures, threads, videos, and anything else I can dig up to bring a smile to your face.  Additionally, there may be things that I just love and feel like posting about, such as recipe creations--or more likely duplication--an occasional book review if I can squeeze some reading time in, and definitely "freebie" notifications that I like to share (like the free 12 x 12 snapfish calendar I posted about on 2peas this morning). 

You can say what you want here, as there will be no Sweet Tiny Jamie to pull threads when they really get going, BUT please no petty nastiness in the vein of the meat blog...It has been reincarnated, if you're into that...

Thanks for reading, and if you have any content you would like to see added here, let me know!